Meeting Information
Key Dates
Key dates will be released soon.
Content will also be available on demand for pre-registered delegates after the meeting
Organising committee details
George Gkimpas
Symposium Chair
Robin Gore
BSACI President
Louise Colonnese
BSACI Marketing and Communications Manager
Fiona Rayner
Chief Executive, BSACI
BSACI would like to thank the following colleagues for their support in developing the programme.
Bryan Martin
WAO President
Paul Williams
AAAAI President
Maria Torres
EAACI President
Mohammed Shamji
EAACI Secretary General
Celeste Baldassare
CEO World Allergy
Organization (WAO)
Rebecca Brandt
CEO American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI)
Tomás Chivato Pérez
EAACI Vice President of Education & Specialty
Contact us
General Meeting Information & Registration
April Jieamtarvorn
BSACI Conference Office
t: 00 44 (0)1462 530076
Speaker Assistance
Kat Hutchison
BSACI Conference Office
t: 00 44 (0)1462 530076